Shark Tank Tycoon

Shark Tank Tycoon, based on the long running hit TV show, is a casual business idle game influenced by Hyper Hippo’s hardcore Idle game Adventure Communist. We loved the idea of each link in the chain of idle gameplay impacting the one before it.

My Role on Shark Tank Tycoon

I was responsible for designing core gameplay features, monetization features, and most supporting features that facilitate retention, live-ops and content.

Taking concepts from a hardcore game and making them work for a successful casual game is the type of challenge that we love to tackle.

-I collaborated with the art and engineering teams to create many prototypes of core gameplay throughout the initial development cycle and well into live development. In Mobile games, just because you launch a feature doesn’t mean you can’t keep iterating to make it more fun and intuitive!

-In the beginning, users struggled to with learning how one link in the business chain affected another. To resolve this, team members from all departments watched users play and listen to players describe their experience. We used our insights to significantly rethink our approach to many parts of the new user experience. It took a few attempts at the changes to get things right, but the team’s effort was definitely worth it!

-Taking to heart lessons learned from Taps to Riches, we designed and implemented live-ops to be repeatable without constantly needing new content. A system with repeatable events requires more thought (and usually development cost) up front, but it saves money in the long run. Saving the team the effort of constantly rebuilding similar content is also a big win for morale. Game Developers across all disciplines aren’t factory workers; they thrive on new and exciting challenges!

Check out the Shark Tank Tycoon trailer.

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a Shark and make millions? Try your luck at the investing minigame like this player!

Check out this player go through the First-Time-User-Experience!