Student Project: aLine


aLine is a casual tile matching board game designed to be easy to play while having a conversation at the same time. The game is most fun when it's a background activity to keep your hands and mind moving while having a conversation.

  • My Role on aLine:
    aLine was created as a student project at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

  • aLine is carefully tuned to meet several core design requirements: 1. Stay fun during repeat play. 2: Rules required to play the default version of the game fit on 1 side of a 3x5 index card. 3: Rules can be read and understood in under two minutes. 4: average game time is less than 10 minutes. 5: Must function well as a support activity to facilitate more primary activities such as a conversation between friends or a design discussion that can lead to actionable decisions.

  • Developed many prototypes to experiment with the shape and size of pieces to find the best mix. 

  • Coordinated many playtests with a variety of player types and used their feedback to tune the rule set and tiles for maximum playability.

  • Won 1st Place in the Board Game Design category at the 2010 Savannah College of Art & Design Entelechy Competition.

  • Exhibited at Game Developers Exchange 2010

The easiest way to make your followers love you is with fire. Fire that burns with your red hot, all knowing love.

This is the complete rules document.

A picture of aLine part way through a game.

A picture of aLine part way through a game.

Another shot of a game of aLine.

Another shot of a game of aLine.

One of the final paper prototypes being played in the lab. Using this prototype I was working on tuning the play session. You can see that in the final game(previous images), the amount of tiles being played became to make the game shorter and more …

One of the final paper prototypes being played in the lab. Using this prototype I was working on tuning the play session. You can see that in the final game(previous images), the amount of tiles being played became to make the game shorter and more casual.