CRYPTOYS is a web3 entertainment and education platform that allows you to collect and trade unique adorable characters in a variety of rarities. Characters include the OG’s Alphie, Juno, and Comet as well as many of your favorite branded characters like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, He-man, Mickey Mouse and so many more. The Cryptoys platform includes a variety of activities like Stashing your characters in buildings to generate resources and playing games such as ZOO-F-O ESCAPE.

My Role on Cryptoys and ZOO-F-O Escape

  • Created and maintained all game design documents from the largest features to the smallest.

  • Created a detailed document versioning system that broke down each future version of a feature into incremental updates that were clearly separated and easy to work with.

  • Collaborated with the design and development teams to ensure we delivered fun for our players across all aspects of the Cryptoys platform, app, and ZOO-F-O Escape game.

  • Designed an in depth economy for idle gameplay, including things like buildings, characters, and collectibles and their effects on each other. Created an in-depth, evergreen loot drop system to accommodate many different collectible types.

  • Collaborated with External development teams on games such as ZOO-F-O Escape and more, to ensure documentation was clear and easy to follow.

  • Worked with the design team to create numerous pitch decks for a wide variety of purposes from new feature proposals, to collaborations with external 3rd parties.

  • Collaborated with the development team to design the procedurally generated level system for ZOO-F-O Escape.

  • Balanced character speed and controls in tandem with a procedurally generated level system that grew in complexity and challenge as the player made it deeper into the game.

  • Designed 100+ level segments for use within the ZOO-F-O Escape game.

  • Collaborated with the development team to overhaul the visuals of the ZOO-F-O ESCAPE background, playable character, collectibles, and enemies to make them all easier to see and navigate through at high speed.

Here’s a video of a customer unboxing several of his newly minted Star Wars brand Cryptoys.